Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Red Plus Signs: St. George's Cross

I suppose the Swiss flag is more of a white plus sign.

So, like the cross of St. Andrew, the white "X" on the blue background, the English have used a single cross for their flag, but not the "X", rather a "+", that is red on a white field, otherwise called the cross of St. George, the patron saint of England.

We've seen that flag before, with the building the UK flag post.

Now, St. George can be the patron saint of more than one place, and has lent his name as well to the next country: Georgia:

The small central Asian country has a few claims to fame, one being that they're the spot on the planet where wine was first fermented from grapes (many, many years before there was an idea of "Georgia"), and another being that they were the first kingdom to claim Christianity as their state religion, before the Romans had converted.

Georgia, today, to distinguish themselves from England, has added four smaller St. George crosses, onein each canton.

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