Thursday, September 6, 2012

French Connection Soccer Logo

I once wrote a piece about the French Connection, both the movie and the cartel it was based upon. 

Recapping: the film was about American cops fighting the influx of heroin into New York by way of something called the "French Connection". This connection was a guy who based his operations in Marseilles, a large port city on the Mediterranean Sea. From there he was able to get heroin from Turkey and French Indochina to him, and then able to send it out to the states.

I have not been to Marseilles besides rocketing through on a train, but those French Riviera cities are similar in attitude if different in scale. The following logo is for the Marseilles soccer team, the team that, like the "U" in Miami or the Mets, both during the '80s, flourished in the shadows of great drug consumption or organizational proximity.

The club's officially known as Olympique de Marseilles, which basically means the Marseilles Olympians, and they have a long and rich history. They are the only French team to win the UEFA Championship League, and, with nine Ligue 1 championships (the highest French league), they're one behind having the most ever. They could be the most decorated French club ever. They also have some blemishes, like price fixing and demotion scandals, all the great things you expect to see with big money flowing.

Droit au but means "straight to the point".

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