Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jacksonville Updates Look

The Jacksonville Jaguars of the NFL have, for the first time in their team's history, updated their primary logo. This kind of thing doesn't happen very often, but sometimes it does on a quiet level. The Lions went through and added black outline to the helmet decal, and maybe made the lion look angry; and the Carolina Panthers, the Jags twin expansion team of 1995 updated their helmet decal before last season with minor tweaks to give the cat a more fierce look.

Not quite sure about this's much more drastic. Here's the original, in place since 1995:

Definitely stylized in a way to encompass the oval-logo design, but angry too, and in attack mode. I never thought it was great, but I liked it fine enough. I never saw it and said, "Whew...that's an atrocity..."

It also definitely sniffs of the '90s, doesn't it?

Here's the new one:

More photorealistic was my first take, then I started in with, "Ehhh...really?" It seems like this could be an elementary school look. Some folks on the interweb have been saying that it's clip-art. I've never seen any clip-art even remotely close to that, but I don't doubt the validity of the claim.

It took a little time grow on me, and I think it will continue like that until I stop thinking it's the most ridiculous logo I've ever seen.

I showed my wife and she said, "Yeah, those Floridians aren't really known for their fashion sense...remember all those mullets..." referencing the trip we took to Florida and the high values for both the sheer amount of mullets as well as the highest mullet-per-hair-do percentage I may have ever seen.

For another NFL Florida team reference, I pulled out Bucco Bruce for her and asked if it was the most homosexual logo for a major team ever:

She said, "Of course. And he's hot, too! That may be the hottest gay logo for a major team ever!"

I do like the prospective direction in which the Dolphins seem to be headed...

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